Thursday, July 17, 2014

"American" Kpop, is this really happening?

Just recently, I've come across an aspiring  American artist that wants to become a famous singer while singing English but in a k-pop kind of way. There's only ONE person that came up with that..uhm.. lets say breath-taking idea and it's the one and only Chad Future.

I've watched his journey on YouTube and I must say, this dude has passion. But the question is, is that passion good enough? To be frank, I don't think it is. I mean, yes, he is already releasing a number of songs and some of them are featured with k-pop singers, but none of them 'touched' me. This is probably what half of the international k-pop fans think, that this guy is just some try hard that's craving for attention and k-pop just stumbled on the way to his legacy. I don't honestly think that he's capable of achieving a legacy, and this is just me. I respect the fact he encourages people to their dreams and telling them to stop being 'realistic'. When you think of it, its not really about being realistic, its about TALENT. If you have it, then there's nothing to worry about, because sometimes having a passionate dream is just not enough.

Chad Future does have a vision for international k-pop fans that says "It doesn't matter where you're from, just believe in yourself and you'll be able to do it". This right here is absolutely true, but it seems that Chad isn't really listening to himself. It really does not matter where you're from, but his songs are in English and if he's representing K-pop then he's really taking the K out of the Pop. All I hear is English lyrics, a few Korean sentences here and there and a very k-popish beat. This is basically K-pop but in reverse! If he's trying to start something new, I say start it right.

So let's say, he does sing in Korean and dances as well, would that make a difference? Yes. How? Easy, he's fully American but is singing and maybe rapping in Korean. That's something you don't see a lot and if he's good enough he might just make a difference. I'm not trying to bash on him, I just think he needs to straighten his path and really think about what he's doing.


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